
Centaur Records CRC 2667

Clavierubung Live!
The Clavierubung
Part III

HAIG MARDIROSIAN , organist & choirmaster of the Church of the Ascension and Saint Agnes performs J.S. Bach's Clavierubung, Part III on the parish organ, ORGUES LÉTOURNEAU OPUS 68.

The CD has recently been released on the Centaur label and is available for sale in the Parish Bookstall.

Reviewer's Comments

"Mardirosian's interpretations are energized, often riveting, flawless. While using a basically legato approach, he applies colorful articulations, rendering Bach's poliphony with clarity and brilliance."

"The fine Létourneau, while of English rather than North German disposition, is a capable partner in this venture, with its clear voicing, well-balanced ensembles, and lovely solo voices."

James D. Hildreth

Read the full review in The American Organist,
September 2005, Vol. 39, No. 9.

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