Definitions of Spiritual Gifts


Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers, "Grow, grow.’"
—The Talmud

Administration: The gift that enables us to visualize a task or goal, formulate a method to complete it, and follow through with the plans to achieve that task or goal. This includes the ability to direct others in the completion of the project.

Artistry: The gift that gives us the ability to think outside the box, creating artistic impressions and expressions that reflect the Christian faith and inspire others spiritually.

Discernment: The gift that motivates us to seek God's will and to separate God's will from that of our own. This includes the ability and willingness to seek a better understanding of God's purpose and apply that purpose to our everyday lives as well as our faith community.

Evangelism: The gift that inspires us to spread the gospel to believers and non-believers. This gift includes the willingness to spread God's word so that others may feel encouraged to deepen their belief and involvement in the Christian community.

Exhortation: The gift that moves us to reach out with compassion and caring to people in conflict, pain, or need.

Faith: The gift that gives us the vision to understand God's purpose, see the Holy Spirit at work, and trust in the Spirit's leading without thought of outcome, knowing God's purpose will prevail.

Giving: The gift of humble selflessness - recognizing a need and providing a solution with exceptional willingness. Giving can include energies, abilities and material resources for the work of the church, community and humanity.

Hospitality: The gift that enables us, out of a concern for the comfort of others, to make people feel welcome and at ease, and to provide cheerful fellowship, including food and lodging.

Intercession: The gift that enables us to pray for others, having confidence that God acts in response to our prayers. Intercession includes the ability to be patient and persistent in prayer, even when change is not evident, and often involves a continuing responsibility to pray for people and situations.

Knowledge: The gift that drives us to learn, analyze and uncover new information and insights regarding the Bible, faith, and the church.

Leadership: The gift that gives us confidence to step forward, and the capability to effectively give direction and provide motivation to fulfill a dream or complete a task.

Mercy: The gift that inspires us to feel deeply for those in physical, spiritual, or emotional need and then act to meet that need.

Music-Vocal: The gift of vocal music gives us the capability and opportunity to present personal witness and inspiration to others through singing. Such musical communication spreads God's love and work effectively. One shares their relationship with God through music, leading others to worship God.

Music-Instrumental: The gift that inspires and witnesses to others through the playing of a musical instrument.

Pastoring (Shepherding): The gift that provides us the confidence and capability to provide spiritual leadership and direction to individuals or groups. This gift includes compassion, protection and nurturing. This includes those who are not part of ordained ministry.

Service: The gift that enables us to work behind the scenes in order to support the overall functioning of the church so that God's work may be fulfilled.

Skilled Craft: The gift that enables us to create, build, and maintain God's church and God's world through craftsmanship. Using this gift would involve sharing a skill, hobby or vocation through work on church projects or teaching others to do the skill.

Teaching: The gift that enables us to effectively communicate via voice, example or other means, in order that others can learn.

Wisdom: The gift that enables us to understand God's will and works as they relate to the living of life and the life of the church. This gift includes knowledge, discernment, active listening, analytical and planning skills.

Writing: The gift that enables us to express ourselves effectively in written form in a way that will instruct and strengthen the church body.

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